Furniture Flipping, Kitchen Updates, and More!

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

I’m writing to you as I’m covered in sawdust. I’ve been sanding furniture for a solid week now, and I’m barely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I currently have eleven pieces of furniture that I’m sanding/staining, and five that are in need of a top coat. Oh, and another one that I’m on 3rd base with painting. It’s kind of intense.

It’s been another full week with making house updates, but I’ve got some exciting projects to share with you tonight! We started on one big project this week in the kitchen and I can’t wait to show you the progress!

I have a maybe-crazy goal of getting everything “finished” by my birthday in July. We’ll see?!

Watch this week’s video to see some furniture flipping in action, the junior rendition of Peter’s office, some kitchen projects, and some new scenes from around the house!

Make sure to subscribe while you’re there! I’ll see you next week with some more progress!

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