I’m Painting all my Cabinets!

It’s finally that time. I’ve taken on painting ALL of the cabinets in our home! This has been quite the process, but I’m also quite motivated, since I’m wanting this project done by my birthday next week!

I started with our bathroom cabinets as a trial run on how to do it all. I sanded, primed, sanded, and painted!

I heard a tip recently from Phillip or Flop on Instagram – he said when he does a home project, he thinks about how much money he’s saving and rewards himself with a new tool. Well, I thought about that and snagged a paint sprayer on Prime Day with this project in mind. And it’s been a saver for sure!

I’m using Sherwin William’s Emerald Urethane paint on this project. It’s urethane based, which is technically a water-based paint. However, it behaves like an oil-based paint and gives you a really smart, smooth finish. I’m really liking it!

Check out this week’s Youtube video to catch up on the projects and process!

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