Thrifting and Updating Our Home Office!

Can I share a confession?

I’ve bought a couple HUNDRED books in the past week.

Yeah, I’m shocked too! At the thrift store, books are 12 for a dollar. I happened to find a whole massive collection of vintage books that were all from the same person’s home library. We’ve had fun thumbing through titles, looking a publication dates (the oldest one is from 1860!), and admiring vintage graphic design.

But naturally, that means I had to find a new bookshelf to house a bunch of these that wouldn’t fit around the house

I’ve been needing to spruce up our home office for quite some time now, so this seemed like the perfect week for it. We just made it look nice enough to be livable, but all we’ve been using it for is the TV – and it needs to be used for more than that!

I ended up making a few furniture switches around the room, and it’s feeling great!

Check out the video below!

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