Garage Makeover (Part One)

In the whirlwind of moving and starting on several all-consuming house projects, our garage has been pretty neglected.

Not that we haven’t used it, because I’ve done tons of sanding, painting, and sawing in there already.

But we hadn’t organized it yet.

We had everything neatly stored against the wall during the first few weeks. Then we cleared out the apartment and more boxes came. Then we did some house projects and added some old sinks, mirrors, and countertops in there to keep the boxes company. You get the picture.

We decided it was time to put some thought and organization into the space to make it something we could really use and enjoy – for house projects and workouts!

This is a big space that won’t happen in a single week, but I got a lot done on the tiniest budget! I started with a $2 can of oops paint and some scavenged shelves I’ve had in storage. I bought some mirror clips from the store, and we were off to the races!

So… phase one of this project is done! Can’t wait for you to see this round and the weeks to come!

Check out the video here!

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