Surprising my Husband with a Home Gym!

It was birthday week for Peter, so I decided to do something fun in our garage!

A few months ago, we cleaned some of it out and painted a wall with the intent of eventually turning it into a gym. Since then, we’ve done more house projects, a garage sale, and housed the remnants of all our Christmas decor that came out of the attic. It was even more cluttered, and we weren’t seeming to find enough time to work on it.

I decided that this was the week to do it, so I blocked out 2 1/2 days and got to work. During that time, I painted the garage, flipped a bike for him, picked up an industrial cooler, reorganized all our stuff into a working system, and built a squat rack that was gifted to him by his mom.

Initially, I wasn’t sure how much I could get done without a lot of time or help, but it turned out pretty great!

Check out this week’s video!

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