Give Your Home a New Aesthetic by Cleaning These 10 Things

I don’t know about you, but there’s some kind of direct connection between a clean house and a good mood. It’s hard for me to concentrate, find motivation, or even be in the best mood if things seem dirty or out of place.

On the other hand, I’ve found that there’s no mood changer like a fresh space. The kind that’s gleaming in places only you would notice. It’s a top-notch feeling, and I’d love to share it with you tonight!

Here are 10 often overlooked things you can clean tonight that will change your mood and have your home feeling amazing.

  1. Change out the hand towels in the restrooms. This is a personal passion of mine! I love keeping a stash of fresh towels close by and swapping that bad boy out for a clean one every time I think of it!
  2. Clean your sink! Working at a restaurant gave me a special eye for sink cleanliness. Whether it’s a porcelain sink in the bathroom or a stainless steel sink in the kitchen, chances are you don’t even realize how dirty it is! Grab some dish soap and baking soda, lather your sink up with both, and scrub it out with a washcloth or a scouring pad. It will be GLEAMING and you won’t understand how you ever let it get that far gone.
  3. Wipe down your oven panel, backsplash, and vent hood. Once you notice these, you can’t un-notice them. Cooking on the stovetop is never without risk – things splash, grease splatters, and the general essence of what you’re cooking somehow reinvents itself into a caky film that rests all over your stovetop and backsplash. Clean off those panels and dials and admire how much better it looks.
  4. On that note, wipe down the handles of your fridge, the oven door, and the bottom drawer of your oven. I’m not sure how, but they seem to act like a windshield for whatever you do in the kitchen. They’re dirty, trust me.
  5. Dust the leaves of your plants. Whether they’re real or fake, the leaves of your plants pick up plenty of dust. Your living plants will be able to breathe easier and live a happy life. And your fake plants – well, they’ll help you breathe easier by not housing a ton of dust.
  6. Clean your exterior doors. I know we can get in a good habit of cleaning off door handles and taking care of the inside of our houses, but outside tends to get overlooked pretty often! I love to give my exterior doors and handles a good clean every month or so! It’s not something you have to do all the time, but it’s a nice feeling to come home to a clean door when you can!
  7. Dust the blades of your ceiling fan. Don’t ask me why this is so satisfying. If you’re someone who loves to sleep with a ceiling fan running, you’ll be able to tell an immediate difference in the function of your fan after it’s dusted.
  8. Dust your bathroom. Yep. I know the bathroom needs lots of scrubbing and scouring, but it actually needs some serious dusting, too. Wipe down the counters, any framed photos on the wall, the water basin on the toilet, and clean off the lighting sconces.
  9. Deep clean your faucets. Think about it: you can’t really get something clean if the faucet itself is dirty. The sprayheads of your sinks and showers take a true beating and need some crazy TLC. They’re usually full of calcified water, mold, and maybe some mystery bits of who knows what. Take a minute to clean them out and you’ll even notice the water flowing differently!
  10. “Throw” your throw blankets and pillow covers in the wash. If you have cozy blankets around the house or slip covers on your throw pillows, take all of those straight to the laundry room and get them clean! You’ll feel much more cozy with them afterward!

Alright, you’re off to the races! All of these things are super simple to clean, and will change the feel of your space in small but game-changing ways.

Enjoy the mood boost that comes with it, and remember that you deserve to love your home!

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