Here’s Your Sign to Try an Indoor Picnic!

I love a good party. Back in January, I started dreaming up some ideas for a Galentines Day party. It had been consistently pretty warm for a few weeks, so I started dreaming up some outdoor “picnic” ideas. I could see it in my mind’s eye: a greenhouse vibe, a long table full of friends, a fresh breeze, French lemonades, and some cafe music playing.

Nope. That’s not what happened. A week out I looked at the forecast and was shocked at what I saw – a high of 40?! We were not gonna make it outside. 40 in Texas is like a reverse calculation in dog years. I moved the party inside our apartment pretty begrudgingly – it wasn’t the mood I was going for, and if I’m honest, I was just really over the thought of everyone having to sit on the floor because we don’t have enough room for a table.

But what other options did I have? Another floor party it is. (Can anyone relate?!)

One of my missions in life is to overlap my friendships – to get people from different friend circles to meet each other. That was my goal this time, too – to invite a mix of people who didn’t all know each other! I recommend it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

All in all, it turned out great! It ended up being a wildly cold day (and a day before the Texas snowpocalypse started), so I think we were all a little extra grateful to be inside. And little did we know the week we were about to have – we needed to have a little fancy time before the week of power outages and bursting pipes began.

I pulled together a bunch of throw blankets and pillows from around the house, and set some planks of plywood on my coffee table to extend the surface area a bit. With my collection of doilies and candlesticks and some fresh flowers, we were good to go.

I stuck with the “Parisian picnic” theme for the foods:

  • Pain au lait
  • Croissants
  • Fresh fruits with Oui yogurt
  • Meringues
  • Macarons
  • Chocolates
  • Babybel cheese
  • Sparkling lemonades
  • French Press coffee with homemade marshmallows
  • Floral ice cubes ๐Ÿ˜‰

Check out how it came together!

So here is your sign to try an indoor picnic! Sit on the floor, light some candles, munch on your favorite goodies – it just might be one of your favorite memories!

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