In-Ground Composting Bins

It’s officially Spring, and I’ve been feeling the gardening inspiration around here. Every chance I get, I’m heading outside and working on little things here and there to liven up the garden.

Recently, I’ve started a little herb garden in the backyard. Since we do a lot of cooking at home, I wanted to find a way to save all of our veggie peelings and leftover fresh food extras for a compost. Since we obviously don’t want to attract extra bugs or pests, I wanted to think of a way to make a compost that wouldn’t be unsightly or cause us any pest problems.

I did a little bit of research and found a few in-ground systems that seemed to work well. I knew I could make a few tweaks to make it exactly what I wanted, so I did!

I used some food-grade 5 gallon buckets, and some gamma seal lids.

Check out the video to see the process!

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