Keep or Give Away? How to Declutter and Make Your Space Feel Great

I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling the spring cleaning urge in February! It just feels so good to get a fresh start in your home and get some things really deep cleaned and organized.

And a HUGE part of that is to do some decluttering! I’m not a Marie Kondo by any means, but I do love to get rid of things that aren’t serving me anymore. It makes me more focused, feel lighter, and invest in quality over quantity when it comes to my home.

I put together a list of questions to ask that will help you make decisions on what you should keep or give away in your home. These will really help you to prioritize the items that are making you the happiest and meeting needs the best.

And for some of you – maybe you’re trying to save up for some special purchases in your home. This video might help you make clear decisions about what to move on – and you can offload some of those items on Marketplace or Offerup and make a little money in the process!

Check out tonight’s video and let’s start some spring cleaning!

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